La couverture de spa standard de The Cover Guy est conçue de manière experte pour répondre aux besoins des propriétaires de spa qui recherchent une couverture fiable et efficace adaptée aux climats chauds à modérés. Cette couverture présente une conception effilée, avec une épaisseur de 4 pouces au centre diminuant à 2,5 pouces sur les bords, ce qui facilite le drainage efficace de l'eau de pluie, empêchant ainsi l'accumulation d'eau et prolongeant la durée de vie de la couverture. Fabriquée à partir de vinyle de qualité marine de 30 oz avec protection UV, la housse Standard est conçue pour durer et résister à la décoloration due à l'exposition au soleil.

Pour une isolation et une sécurité améliorées, la couverture de spa standard est dotée d'un noyau en mousse thermoscellée qui améliore la rétention de la chaleur, aidant à maintenir une température de l'eau constante et à réduire les coûts de chauffage. Cette isolation efficace est cruciale pour la conservation de l’énergie. De plus, la couverture est équipée de quatre verrous de sécurité pour enfants, ajoutant une couche de sécurité particulièrement importante pour les familles avec de jeunes enfants, garantissant que la couverture reste bien en place.

La construction du couvercle de spa standard est robuste, conçue pour résister à une utilisation régulière et à diverses conditions météorologiques. Il peut supporter jusqu'à 100 livres par pied linéaire, ce qui le rend capable de supporter des charges modérées sans affaissement. La construction renforcée contribue non seulement à la solidité de la couverture, mais améliore également sa longévité, ce qui en fait un investissement intelligent pour les propriétaires de spa qui privilégient la durabilité et la fonctionnalité dans leurs solutions de protection de spa.

c'est la description

Caractéristiques standard de la couverture de spa

  • Bonne capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 4 po à 2,5 po
  • Climats chauds à modérés
  • Charge de 100 lb au pied linéaire

Caractéristiques de la couverture de spa deluxe

  • Meilleure capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 5 po à 3 po
  • Climats modérés à froids
  • Charge de 150 à 200 lb au pied linéaire

Caractéristiques extrêmes de la couverture de spa

  • Meilleure capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 6 po à 4 po
  • Climats froids à rudes
  • Charge de 200 à 300 lb au pied linéaire

Couvert de remplacement sur mesure

Sélectionnez Durabilité + Cône
Trouvez votre baignoire
Vous ne connaissez pas le modèle de votre marque ?

Évitez les mesures en sélectionnant votre marque et votre modèle pour obtenir l'ajustement parfait pour votre housse. Vous ne connaissez pas votre modèle ? Aucun problème! Cliquez sur Saisir les dimensions de la couverture ci-dessous pour saisir manuellement vos mesures.


La couverture de spa standard de The Cover Guy est conçue de manière experte pour répondre aux besoins des propriétaires de spa qui recherchent une couverture fiable et efficace adaptée aux climats chauds à modérés. Cette couverture présente une conception effilée, avec une épaisseur de 4 pouces au centre diminuant à 2,5 pouces sur les bords, ce qui facilite le drainage efficace de l'eau de pluie, empêchant ainsi l'accumulation d'eau et prolongeant la durée de vie de la couverture. Fabriquée à partir de vinyle de qualité marine de 30 oz avec protection UV, la housse Standard est conçue pour durer et résister à la décoloration due à l'exposition au soleil.

Pour une isolation et une sécurité améliorées, la couverture de spa standard est dotée d'un noyau en mousse thermoscellée qui améliore la rétention de la chaleur, aidant à maintenir une température de l'eau constante et à réduire les coûts de chauffage. Cette isolation efficace est cruciale pour la conservation de l’énergie. De plus, la couverture est équipée de quatre verrous de sécurité pour enfants, ajoutant une couche de sécurité particulièrement importante pour les familles avec de jeunes enfants, garantissant que la couverture reste bien en place.

La construction du couvercle de spa standard est robuste, conçue pour résister à une utilisation régulière et à diverses conditions météorologiques. Il peut supporter jusqu'à 100 livres par pied linéaire, ce qui le rend capable de supporter des charges modérées sans affaissement. La construction renforcée contribue non seulement à la solidité de la couverture, mais améliore également sa longévité, ce qui en fait un investissement intelligent pour les propriétaires de spa qui privilégient la durabilité et la fonctionnalité dans leurs solutions de protection de spa.

c'est la description

Caractéristiques standard de la couverture de spa

  • Bonne capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 4 po à 2,5 po
  • Climats chauds à modérés
  • Charge de 100 lb au pied linéaire

Caractéristiques de la couverture de spa deluxe

  • Meilleure capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 5 po à 3 po
  • Climats modérés à froids
  • Charge de 150 à 200 lb au pied linéaire

Caractéristiques extrêmes de la couverture de spa

  • Meilleure capacité à retenir la chaleur
  • Inclinaison de 6 po à 4 po
  • Climats froids à rudes
  • Charge de 200 à 300 lb au pied linéaire

01. Durabilité + épaisseur
02. Dimensions du couvert
03. Couleur + style
04. Améliorations + accessoires
Close Configurator Menu
01. Durabilité + épaisseur
02. Dimensions du couvert
03. Couleur + style
04. Améliorations + accessoires
01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
Shape Placeholder Image. Please select a shape.

Choisir la forme


{ "shape_id": "Rond", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "false", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_c": "false", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
{ "shape_id": "Carré", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "false", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
{ "shape_id": "Carré_arrondi", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "true", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [{ "high": "10000.0", "low": "30.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eExceeds the maximum size of 30\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "1.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be over 2.0\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "30.0", "low": "2.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
{ "shape_id": "Rectangle", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Fold A in half", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "Plier B en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold b in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "false", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
{ "shape_id": "Rectangle_arrondi", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "Plier B en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold b in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "true", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [{ "high": "10000.0", "low": "30.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eExceeds the maximum size of 30\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "1.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be over 2.0\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "30.0", "low": "2.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
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{ "shape_id": "Deux_coins_coupés", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "Plier B en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold b in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "true", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }
{ "shape_id": "Deux_coins_coupés_et_deux_coins_arrondis", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "Plier B en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold b in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_c": "true", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "true", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [{ "high": "10000.0", "low": "30.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eExceeds the maximum size of 30\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "1.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be over 2.0\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "30.0", "low": "2.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }] }
{ "shape_id": "Octogone", "fold_directions": [ { "option_select_name": "Plier A en deux", "untranslated_option_select_name": "fold a in half", "image": "//", "strap_locations": [ { "option_select_name": "A", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "B", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "C", "image": "//" }, { "option_select_name": "D", "image": "//" } ], "strap_option_image": "//" } ], "shape_dimension_a": "true", "shape_dimension_a_formula": "", "shape_dimension_a_ranges": [{ "high": "39.99", "low": "0.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThis dimension must be at least 40 inches.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "105.0", "low": "102.01", "id": "41778985664581", "price": "10700", "display_price": "$107.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "9999999999999.0", "low": "105.01", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eYou have entered a dimension that indicates you are likely building a Swim Spa cover. Please visit our \u003ca href=\"\/fr-ca\/pages\/replacement-swim-spa-covers\"\u003eSwim Spa cover page\u003c\/a\u003e to proceed.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "true" },{ "high": "102.0", "low": "96.0", "id": "41778985631813", "price": "7100", "display_price": "$71.00", "message": "\u003cdiv class=\"metafield-rich_text_field\"\u003e\u003cp\u003eThe measurement you have entered is larger than a standard sized cover. An additional oversize surcharge has been added to your cover total.\u003c\/p\u003e\u003c\/div\u003e", "disable_continuation": "" },{ "high": "95.99", "low": "40.0", "id": "", "price": "", "display_price": "", "message": "", "disable_continuation": "" }], "shape_dimension_b": "true", "shape_dimension_b_formula": "A / 2.4142", "shape_dimension_b_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_c": "false", "shape_dimension_c_formula": "", "shape_dimension_c_ranges": [], "shape_dimension_d": "false", "shape_dimension_d_formula": "", "shape_dimension_d_ranges": [] }

Cliquez ici si vous avez des haut-parleurs, des mains courantes, des écoupages ou des formes sur mesure

Entrer les dimensions

Aide pour les dimensions

Choisir le pli, les bretelles et la jupe

Aide avec la longueur

Votre total $0

Votre total $0

01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
Shape Placeholder Image. Please select a shape.

Choisir la couleur


Ou choisissez la WeatherShield.


25 % plus léger et trois fois plus résistant.



Select Handles

Poignées standard

Deux poignées renforcées à double couture, parfaitement positionnées.

Poignées en caoutchouc

Poignées en caoutchouc très confortables et qui ne glissent pas!



Poignées supplémentaires

Poignées supplémentaires

Ajoutez deux poignées supplémentaires, positionnées là où vous le désirez.


Poignées gazebo

Poignées gazebo intérieures pour faciliter le déplacement du couvert dans les espaces retreints.



Votre total $0

Votre total $0

01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
01 Durabilité + épaisseur
02 Dimensions du couvert
03 Couleur + style
04 Améliorations + accessoires
Shape Placeholder Image. Please select a shape.

Améliorations et accessoires

Ensemble Météo Extrême

Inclut Mousse haute densité de 2 lb, Joint étanche à la vapeur, Dessous du bouclier énergétique, Charnière entièrement isolée, Housses de protection, Toile solaire deluxe, et Sangles anti-ouragan pour spa.

+$415.94 $519.93

20% Off

Rush Production

Cut your custom cover production time in half with our Rush Service, guaranteeing your hot tub cover is made and ready to ship within 5 business days!


0% Off

Économisez de l'énergie, conservez la chaleur et prolongez la durée de vie de votre couverture de spa.



Augmentez la densité de la mousse pour des charges plus lourdes et une chaleur prolongée de la baignoire.



Des couches supplémentaires améliorent la durabilité des charnières pour les couvercles utilisant des élévateurs.



Reflète la chaleur dans votre spa, gardant l'eau chaude et confortable.



Augmente le pouvoir isolant de votre couvert, le gardant sec et léger.


Lève-couvert hydraulique The Cover Guy


Lève-couvert standard The Cover Guy

Manipulation du couvert sans effort.



Fixez votre couverture au lève-personne de votre spa Hot Springs, Caldera ou Tiger River.


Sangles anti-ouragan pour spa

Keep your tub and cover secure during strong winds.


Lève-couverture CoverMate Freestyle



Votre total $0

Votre total $0