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Hot Tub 101
Hot Tub Maintenance
The Cover Story

How To Clean Your Hot Tub Cover in 5 Simple Steps

Cleaning your hot tub cover is an essential part of your regular hot tub maintenance. Adding a cleaning of your hot tub cover to your schedule is the best way to maintain the efficiency of your hot tub cover and ensure that it continues to provide protection to your hot tub. This blog will tell you how to clean your hot tub cover in 5 simple steps. Additionally, we will break down other questions regarding your hot tub cover cleaning concerns, such as mold on hot tub cover, how to deal with hot tub cover mildew, and the specifics of caring for a vinyl hot tub cover. Read on to learn how to clean your hot tub cover in 5 simple steps!

  • Step 1: The first step in cleaning your hot tub cover is to remove the hot tub cover from your hot tub. Once removed, you want to place the hot tub cover on a flat, smooth surface. This will make it easier to clean and protect the cover from any potential damage. Ideally, place your hot tub cover near a hose or access to water that you will use for cleaning.
  • Step 2: The second step in cleaning your hot tub is to begin to remove any hot tub chemicals that have been splashed on the underside of the hot tub cover. Gently spray water onto the underside of the hot tub cover to rinse them away. Once the underside is dry, flip the hot tub cover over and spray the top side of the hot tub cover with water to remove any debris such as grass, leaves, or dirt. For both the top side and underside of the cover, make sure that you are using a gentle enough spray of water that won’t damage the cover while you are cleaning it.
  • Step 3: The third step in cleaning your hot tub cover is to continue cleaning the top side of the hot tub cover. Once the top side is dry from the quick rinse, you can spray it with a vinyl cleaner or specialty hot tub cover cleaner. Use a soft cloth, soft bristled brush, or sponge to clean sections of the hot tub cover by moving in a circular motion to gently work away at dirt and grime. It’s essential to use a product that is specifically made for hot tub covers and vinyl, such as The Cover Guy’s Hot Tub Cover Cleaner and Protectant, Using a specialty product will help keep your cover’s UV protectant intact, which household detergents or bleach can eat away at.
  • Step 4: The fourth step in cleaning your hot tub cover is to rinse your cover once you have completed cleaning it. With a gentle spray of your garden hose, make sure that you rinse off and residue remaining and wipe it down with a soft cloth or rag. Leave it to air dry once the majority of the water has been wiped away.
  • Step 5: The fifth and final step in cleaning your hot tub cover is to use a high quality UV protectant spray across the entire top side of your hot tub cover. Using a UV protectant on your hot tub cover can help to extend the life of your cover and prevent damaging cracks or the drying up of your cover. Once this has dried, simply reattach your hot tub cover to your hot tub.

Congrats! You have successfully cleaned your hot tub cover in 5 simple steps! For more information on specific hot tub cover cleaning concerns, read on.

How To Clean a Hot Tub Cover With Mold

Since a hot tub cover is regularly exposed to a wet and damp environment, mold can sometimes show up. Fortunately, we’re going to show you how to clean a hot tub cover with mold. If you have visible evidence of mold on your hot tub cover, you can use a diluted bleach and water solution to help clean it off. Green or black mold can be either sprayed down with the bleach solution from a spray bottle, or use a bucket of the solution and a cloth or brush to wipe it off.

Make sure that after you have removed the mold with the bleach solution, you rinse off the hot tub cover with water and let it air dry before putting your hot tub cover back on your tub.

How To Clean a Hot Tub Cover With Mildew

In addition to mold, your hot tub cover can also end up with mildew that needs to be cleaned off. This can be done in a similar fashion to your regular hot tub cover cleaning routine. However, you’ll want to add in some extra cleaning time to work on removing the mildew. It’s important to still be gentle with your hot tub cover, but still apply enough pressure to remove the area that has mildew on it. Using a specialty cleaner can help to break down the mildew and make it easier to remove.

How To Clean a Vinyl Hot Tub Cover

The key to cleaning a vinyl hot tub cover is making sure that you are using the proper cleaning solution and being gentle with your vinyl hot tub cover. A proper hot tub cover cleaner will clean and extend the life of all vinyl surfaces, including your hot tub and spa cover. Additionally, it will restore brilliance to dull or faded colors on your hot tub. If you’re looking for a top quality hot tub cover cleaning solution, check out our very own Hot Tub Cover Cleaner and Protectant.

You’re Set To Know How To Clean a Hot Tub Cover

With these five simple steps to clean your hot tub cover, as well as tips for dealing with mold on hot tub cover or hot tub cover mildew, you should be well on your way to a clean vinyl hot tub cover. If you’re cleaning your hot tub cover and feel as though it’s time to replace your current hot tub cover, The Cover Guy offers a range of hot tub covers that will suit any hot tub or spa. Begin exploring the perfect hot tub cover option for you here.