Your family game night doesn’t have to be at the dining room table or on the living room floor. Your next family game night can be in your backyard hot tub. There are plenty of ways that you can make your next soak in the tub fun for you and the kids.
Fun Hot Tub Games for Kids
Do you have young kids? You can keep them entertained in the hot tub with simple family-friendly hot tub activities.
Duck Races
It’s a race to the finish line! Give each kid a rubber duckie and place them in the hot tub. Turn on the jets and see which duck makes it across the tub first. Your kids will quickly get into the spirit of the game and cheer on their ducks to victory.
Card Games
Did you know that there are waterproof playing cards? These would be perfect for your hot tub game night! Get decks of waterproof cards to play games like Crazy Eights, Go Fish and War. You can also get waterproof versions of family game night favorites, like Uno Splash, Uno H20 or Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (Poolside Edition).
Make sure to get an inflatable game table. This is one of the best hot tub accessories for entertainment you can get your hands on. It can be used as a stable surface for waterproof card games, toys, speakers and other party essentials.
Hot Tub Bingo
Do you love to play Bingo? You can buy a waterproof bingo set to make a real splash in your swimming pool or hot tub.
If you would rather take a DIY approach, make waterproof Bingo cards. Print out the Bingo templates on paper. Laminate them or place them inside a firmly sealed freezer bag to protect them from the water. Get waterproof markers to cross out squares that have been called out. If you don’t have Bingo balls, you can always use a Bingo number generator on your smartphone to help you call out numbers.
Hot tub Bingo is a good game to play when someone doesn’t want to go in the tub but still wants to participate in game night. They can lounge near the tub and call out the numbers until someone yells “Bingo!”
Relaxing Games for Hot Tub Soaks
Maybe you’d like a quieter family game night? One where your kids aren’t in fierce competition to beat you in a card game or defeat you in a rubber duck race? Then, maybe you’d prefer one of these relaxing games for hot tub soaks.
Alphabet Storytelling
Alphabet Storytelling is a collaborative (not competitive) game that’s fun for the whole family. Pick a person to start the story. They must begin with a word starting with the letter “A.” The next player says a word starting with “B.” Continue to build a story going down the entire alphabet.
20 Questions
One player has to think up a subject. It can be a person, a place or a thing. Then, everyone else in the hot tub will get to ask them “Yes or No” questions to try to narrow down what that subject is. They can only ask 20 questions before they have to make a guess.
Would You Rather
One player comes up with a “would you rather” question and everyone else gets to answer. Would you rather turn invisible or fly? Would you rather have a pet tarantula or a pet snake? Would you rather go back in time or visit the future? Get creative with your questions. You might be surprised by the answers your family comes up with.
Other Hot Tub Game Night Essentials
Inflatable Toys
Get a handful of inflatable pool toys, like beach balls and pool rings. Try to choose smaller-sized inflatables. You don’t want to overcrowd the hot tub.
Hot Tub Drink Holders
You can get parched in the hot tub. So, get hot tub drink holders so that you can secure your beverages nearby and keep your hands free.
Hot Tub Lights
The best hot tub lights for parties aren’t the lights that are already installed in your tub. They are floating LED pool lights that you can pop into the water whenever you want to set the mood for a fun night. Make the water glow hot pink, neon green, icy blue or whatever other color speaks to you.
Hot Tub Party Ideas
Make your hot tub the center of an all-out party. What are some hot tub party ideas? A hot tub trivia night could be right up your alley. Divide your guests into teams and have an emcee ask them questions to see who has the most trivia knowledge. Offer up a prize to the winner of the night.
Or you could host a theme party in the hot tub. Consider themes like tropical paradise or glow-in-the-dark. Ask your guests to come dressed for the occasion and decorate the tub to match the special theme.

Hot Tub Safety Measures
Game night may be rowdy, but it still has to be safe. Make sure that you’re following hot tub safety practices so that everyone leaves the water feeling a-okay.
Water Cleanliness
Your hot tub won’t be a good place to host a game night or a theme party if the water inside of it is dirty. Dirty water can carry pathogens that can make you sick. So, you’ll want to do your due diligence and keep the water as clean as possible. If the water looks cloudy or smells off, do not let anyone take a dip until the problem is fixed.
How can you make your water safer? Start by looking at covers to keep your water clean. By using a good quality hot tub cover, you can prevent dirt, insects and critters from falling into the hot tub water. Browse through our selection of custom hot tub covers to see which one suits your needs.
Another essential step for taking care of your hot tub is to purchase chemical cleaners to sanitize the water and maintain a healthy pH balance. Click here for more hot tub water care tips.
If any of your family members or party guests are feeling sick, they should skip a trip in the hot tub. They could put everyone else sitting in the water at risk of contracting that illness if they’re contagious. They can always join you for a dip at the next tub night.
Slips and Falls
The area around your hot tub will be slippery, so you’ll want to take some precautions to make sure that no one has a nasty slip or fall. Put outdoor mats around the hot tub. The treads under these mats should make it safe to step outside the tub, even when someone is soaking wet.
A set of hot tub stairs might also be a great addition to your hot tub. The stairs will make it easy to enter and exit the hot tub — no one has to heave themselves over the slippery edge. This will be exceptionally helpful for any family members who are on the shorter side.
You should also stash housecoats and bath towels near the hot tub so that everyone can dry off immediately after getting out of the tub. You’re less likely to slip on the deck when you’re fully dried off.
Safety with Kids
Kids should always be supervised by adults — they don’t get to stay in the hot tub alone. They should also take frequent breaks from the hot tub to limit the risks of overheating. They can stay in for 10 to 15 minutes before stepping outside of the water to cool down. Get familiar with the signs of overheating so that you know when someone has spent far too much time in the hot water and needs to get out.
Hot tubs may not be safe for certain age groups. If you’re wondering can babies go in a hot tub?, read this.

Customizing Your Hot Tub Experience
If you don’t have a hot tub yet, take this as a sign that you should build a personal party spot in your backyard!
Take a look at the 20 best hot tub brands for families. You’re sure to find a tub that suits your family size, budget and style. Picking out the tub is only one part of the process. You can choose every design element of this party spot, from creating a custom hot tub pad to picking accessories like steps and booster seats. Get inspired and look at these custom hot tub steps for added fun.
There’s nothing wrong with using your hot tub as a serene getaway for most of the year. But sometimes, you won’t want that serene soak. You’ll want a party! That’s where this list of family-friendly hot tub games, hot tub party ideas and exciting accessories will come in handy. For these special occasions, you can transform your tub into a place of endless