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Why you should buy a Hot Tub Ozonator

If you are a hot tub owner, or if you’re looking to buy one, chances are you have already heard about hot tub ozonators. A hot tub ozonator allows you to control your water quality. And it doesn’t hurt that it will save you money too.

Keep reading to know more about what a hot tub ozonator actually is and does, the pros and cons and other useful information.

What is a Hot Tub Ozonator?

A hot tub ozonator is simply a device that cleans the water in your spa. With an ozonator, you’ll use less chemical sanitizers like chlorine and bromine.

How does a Hot Tub Ozonator Work?

The ozonator is a device placed directly inside the body of your hot tub. It is equipped with an ultraviolet light bulb (or equivalent) that converts oxygen into ozone. The ozone travels through an air line connected to a water jet. The water and the ozone are then pushed into the hot tub.

Once the ozone is in contact with the water in your spa, it will kill bacteria, contaminants and other waste.

Some hot tubs come with an ozone jet which facilitates the use of an ozonator, but it is quite simple to add an air line into an existing air jet.

The Pros of Hot Tub Ozonators

Natural Cleaning Agent

The main advantage of an ozonator is that it is a natural cleaning agent for your hot tub. Ozone is the layer that protects the Earth. So I think it is pretty safe to say that it can protect your water well enough.

And because it’s natural, its use will certainly reduce skin, nose and eye irritation from the chemical sanitizers.

Economic Solution

An average ozonator will cost you around $100. That’s it?


You’ll get your investment back in no time compared to what you would spend in chemical sanitizers.

Longer Lasting Cleaning Solution

The water in your spa will have a clearer and cleaner feel and look.

Customers who use a hot tub ozonator say they need to change the water only every 8 to 12 months, compared to every 3 months with the use of regular chemical sanitizers.

Other Advantages of Spa Ozonators:

  • No (or very little) bad smells, when compared to the use of regular hot tub chemicals.
  • >Easy to maintain and run.
  • Less risks of contracting skin conditions like a hot tub rash or other irritations.

The Cons of Hot Tub Ozonators

Possible Lung Irritation

In too high an amount, ozone can have a negative effect on the respiratory system. Symptoms may include coughing and irritation of the throat and chest, a reduction in lung function (making it harder to breath), and inflammation and temporary damage to the lining of the lung.

Possible Malfunctioning

If the ozonator is poorly installed, the ozonator could malfunction. If that happens, you would have to filter and clean the water as often as you would if you didn’t have an ozonator.

Possible Hot Tub Damage

Yes, ozonators can damage your hot tub cover. Even if ozone is mild, the gas build up between the water and your cover can damage it over time. So remember to take the cover off your hot tub a few hours every week.

How to Maintain your Ozonator

Maintaining an ozonator is quite simple.

  1. Make sure it generates ozone. You can do so by using an ozone test kit.
  2. Make sure the delivery system is… delivering. If your ozone levels are low, there might be a failure somewhere in the system.
  3. Inspect the check valve. The check valve prevents the water of the hot tub to reach the ozonator. Needless to say, if the water reaches your system, it would completely wreck it.

Usually, ozonators last around 3 years.


Overall, an ozonator is an excellent addition to your hot tub : natural cleaning agent, economic solution, long lasting solution, etc. Remember though that an ozonator doesn’t entirely clean your water. You’ll still have to clean the filter and test the pH levels of the water. In the end though, you’ll reduce the use of bromine or chlorine by 60 to 90%.