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Tub Troubles

Hot Tub Error Codes - Applied Computer Controls

The Cover Guy ACC spa side hot tub error code guide! ACC is one of the oldest manufacturers of digital spa side controls for hot tubs. ACC has 9 error codes and below is a list of the ACC hot tub error codes and what causes them followed by possible solutions to the error code.

Applied Computer Controls (ACC) Error Codes

Spa-Side Error Code Description Possible Solution
CoLd Temperature in the heater housing is below 40° F. The Low speed or circulation pump will now operate continuously until the temperature rises above 45° F. CoLd is a normal spa side error code you will receive when you first fill your hot tub. If you are receiving the error code after the spa has been running for a while it may indicate you have an issue with your heating element. The error code is telling you that the heat is not sufficient and that it will run the circulation pump until the heat is up so that nothing freezes.
OH This is for Overheat. Your spa temp is over 108°. The OH error code indicates that your hot tub is overheated and you should not use it. It could be that the thermostat is not working properly and needs to be replaced. In the southern warm climates it is possible that your hot tub can over heat just based on the outside temperature and how well your hot tub is insulated. You should remove your hot tub cover, and turn off your power pack, to try and bring down the temperature of your hot tub.
HLoH Hi Limit Over Heat. Hi limit sensor is disconnected, shorted, or spa temp is above 112° F.
SEoP Sensor open or disconnected. Heater disabled but spa operational.
SESH Sensor short, nonfunctional. Heater disabled but spa operational.
PSoC Pressure switch open with circulation pump.
PSoL Pressure switch open with low pump.
PSoH Pressure switch open with high pump.
ToE Time out error. Rare system error.
HLoH Hi Limit Over Heat. Hi limit sensor is disconnected, shorted, or spa temp is above 112° F.